Monday, February 19, 2007

Oh, Happy Day!

I'm learning to live in the moment, to enjoy the most simple things in life, due to our currently stressful life situation. Right now, the moment goes something like this...

I hear the dishwasher humming in the background behind me. (Thank you God for the gift of a dishwasher and clean water).

My two girls are playing house. Oldest is the mommy and baby is, well...the baby! They're dressed up in fancy ball gowns and plastic shoes. Oldest has just tucked baby in with some board books and "read" each one so sweetly. Every few minutes, baby gets down from the couch to come and give me a kiss and hug, explaining it to me this way, "Wan gib you hug!" (Thank you Lord for these moments of sweet getting along between sisters.)

My oldest is behind me enjoying "My Father's Dragon". He started reading it this morning and is already on Chapter 7! He's a voracious reader. I'm enjoying listening to him laugh at the predicaments that Elmer Elevator is getting into on the wild island. (Thank you God for a boy who loves to learn.)

Living simply in these moments, I can better enjoy the gifts of God by paying attention to my life, instead of focusing on stressful situations that I cannot control.

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