Thursday, November 1, 2007

You Know I'm a Quote Junkie -- Praying for Our Children

"Earnest, secret, believing prayer should never cease to be daily presented for our offspring. Daily we should wrestle with God for their eternal salvation. That parent has neglected a very important branch of his duty, who has suffered one single day to pass by without bearing his children upon his heart before God in private prayer." --John Angell James


Annette said...

I totally agree! Praying for my children is the most important thing I can do. And may I add that I KNOW my parents still pray for each one of their children and spouses every day. It's powerful just knowing that my mom and dad are lifting us up before the throne of grace.

Anonymous said...

Love that quote. I'll be writing that one down too. It's the best thing we can do for our kids, for sure!

Anonymous said...

Boom. Powerful stuff in this quote, this reminder of what matters most.

I popped over and see that you're here, now, as in, here in the States. I came because you noted the Ballantine Hall/IU connection between us! It's interesting (note the accurate apostrophe placement?) how many small threads tie people together? Gives a nuanced meaning to the World Wide *Web*?

Hope you can cross back over to this culture without too much grief.

I often live with the regret of not risking a move to Belgium when the kids were younger. We visit every few years, but even an extended stay isn't the same as adjusting to day-to-day life in another culture.

Your Samuel Johnson quote in the sidebar is great. I'm certain that the chronicles of your re-pat transition will be as fascinating as your posts as an ex-pat.