Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Just In Case You've Been Wondering...

...where I've been, I'll fill you in now. Actually, truth be told, I'm quite wondering if I'll have any blog readers left out there!

We moved out of central London and into our permanent housing nearly 4 weeks ago. On that day, I wrote a little email to all of my friends and family back home that we might be off-line for a "few days". Little. Did. I. Know. So, very long story very short, it seems extremely difficult to get anything done quickly here, including internet installation. Being without the internet and my connections back home has been QUITE a challenge to say the least.

And boy, do I have a lot to share with you -- I mean a month with no entries, come on! So, check back often, 'cause I"m back online folks! (You can't see me now, but assume I'm smiling broadly!!!!!)

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